During Christmas holidays, Lab52 has been analyzing a sample which loads an artifact that we have decided to refer to as “TokyoX” since no similarities have been found as to any known malware, which we usually detect in open sources. However, we cannot confirm so far that it is indeed a new family of malware. […]
Intelligence operation against targets in Indonesia
Lab52 has detected malicious activity targeting Indonesian victims. This activity could be linked to an intelligence operation. We have been tracking this activity since December 27th of 2019 The main tools of this threat actor, are built as DLL files, and launched with this commands: “C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe” shell32.dll,ShellExec_RunDLL regsvr32 /s C:\ProgramData\pubpool.dll /i:process104.dll “C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe” /s C:\ProgramData\pubpool.dll /i:process104.dll […]
APT-C-36 recent activity analysis
From Lab52 we have been tracking during the last months the activity of the group APT-C-36. This group was named and publicly introduced by the Company 360 [1] last year. In this article is highlighted as the main objective of the group, the companies located in Colombia. If you don’t know APT-C-36, we recommend the […]